B.Sc. Computer Science – Kuwait University 1989
General Education Certificate (Tawjehe) Scientific branch 1984
Letter of thanks and appreciation : HCIE (Higher Council of Innovation and Excellence)-2024
Certificate of thanks and appreciation : HCIE (Higher Council of Innovation and Excellence)-2024
Fostering Entrepreneurial Activities and Startup Ecosystems in O.I.C Members Countries, 2023, OIC
Global Business Incubation Management , 2022 , ISN / HCIE
Certified Trainer in Sustainable Business Model Development , SwitchMed-SCP/RAC 2020
Certified Trainer in Sustainable Business Plan Development SwitchMed-SCP/RAC, 2020
ToT Access To Market and Access To Finance For Green Entrepreneurs , SwitchMed-SCP/RAC, 2020
ToT Product and Service Eco-design, SwitchMed-SCP/RAC
ToT of National Team on Developing and Adapting Entrepreneurship Curricula in Palestine, 2019
KOICA PASS (Palestine Startup Program) , 2019 ,Rehoboth Institute, South Korea
Certificate of Merit, 2018 for Fostering Entrepreneurship in STEM , Erasmus Project, PTUK
Certificate in Innovation-Based Policy and management, South Korea, 2017 , KOICA , GMRI
Acknowledgement Certificate for leading and managing Intel Programs for 6 years in Palestine
Green Entrepreneurship Trainer , Palestine , 2015 , CCE-BZU SwitchMed Methodology
ToT in “Build Your Business”, Palestine., 2015 , Microsoft, IYF
Planning and Implementing Innovation in Education , Palestine , 2012 , UNESCO , Moe
Student-centered Learning in science education, 2011 ,JAICA , Ministry of Education-Jordan
Student-centered Learning in science education- ICT , 2011 ,JAICA , Ministry of Education-Jordan
Civil Service and Leadership Development , Palestine., 2010 , ALC/GPC
Professional Development ISEF Intel® Educator Academy , Reno, Nevada, USA. 2009
ICT Consultant for membership system at The Association of Women Committees for Social Work, 2007
Project management and proposal writing, Palestine.2006
Procurement under World Bank Financed projects, Palestine.2003
وسام الرئاسة الفضي ، للتميز في تحقيق اول جائزة عالمية لفلسطين في الابداع العلمي 2012

وسام التميز في تنفيذ المشاريع الدولية في جامعة فلسطين التقنية خضوري

درع التكريم من المجلس الأعلى للابداع والتميّز